Edaville USA

This past Saturday we drove an hour south to Edaville USA in Carver, MA. It’s basically a small amusement park geared towards kids and also had a choo choo train ride. The kiddos dressed up in costume and got to trick or treat along each amusement ride. It was fun! 
Kaden this year is a pilot. He told me he wanted to be an airplane and when i saw this costume I couldn’t resist. So cute! Found the avaitor hat off a chinese distributer on ebay and I LOVE IT. The googles are adorable. 
Kind of bright in the sunlight. 

Our little pilot. 
Our sweet cupcake. 
The perfect ride for Kaden. Ready for takeoff!  Gear, CHECK! googles, CHECK!

Soaring on Jumbo

Next onto the MOON!

 We all got to ride the caterpiller ride together. Nice and snuggly

The train ride was a bit slow still fun. 
We got to meet spooky conductor

Lastly Kaden requested to ride the ferris wheel. First time for everything. 
Buckle up and hold onto the bar…

Kaden wasn’t at all afraid while up on top. If I was his age I’m not sure if i’d go on the ferris wheel. brave boy. 

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